來了威尼斯差不多一星期了,未算「無啖好食」,但每天也總離不開三文治、薄餅和意大利粉。於是我在假日的早上,長途拔涉地去了在威尼斯本島西邊盡頭的St. Marta,那邊有個只在星期一營業的Farm Market,在乘著船前往的路途上,看見每個人都拖著架購物車,我就知道沒有去錯地方了!
Archive for tag 'cooking'

11 May 2015
Let’s make Udon! 1. Mix some salt with cold water. 2. Add the mixture into plain flour slowly. “Tipo 0 flour” should be used (not the one shown in the photo below). 3. Mix completely and make it into a dough. 4. Wait for about 1 hour. The dough should be kept in a damp place or in …