The site was full of construction materials when we reached the site. I was quite impressed by the the Italian workers. For one thing, they really worked fast; for another, they really did not care about the construction plan but it still worked…hopefully. It was so exciting to work under unknown factors…
2015 November Archive

11 / 4 / 2015 The contractor move in the site with many wood columns, wood and their tools. They plan to build the outdoor structure and complete the indoor retouch in a week. The contractor transport the materials to the site. Workers are starting to build the outdoor structure. Two more new rooms for the …

If you have been to the exhibition venue at Venice (conveniently located opposite to the main entrance of Arsenale), you would remember the lovely open courtyard that has shown many works of Hong Kong artists over the years. From Para/Site Collective’s exploration of ‘collective’ as a notion (2003); the built parrot-oyster-shell terrain created by MAP Office (2007), the …

It was the first time I visited the site. Our first task was to inspect the site and check the materials left on the site so that we could follow up the whole progress and map out what we had to purchase later. Everything here was similar to imagination, old, worn but having a kind of unique silence. Grey concrete floor and white wall made the space much more interesting than the pure white cube…

雙年展(Biennale)一字源於意大利,意指以兩年為週期的藝術展覽,而歷史最悠久的就是威尼斯雙年展(La Biennale di Venezia),於1895年開始舉辦,今年已經舉辦第五十六屆。 在威尼斯機場已經看到威尼斯雙年展的海報。 有幸得到M+的機會,當是次展覽的技術實習員,隨著藝術家曾建華及M+策展團隊到威尼斯雙年展香港展館協助籌辦展覽,這網誌將聯同其他十二位實習員,記錄在威尼斯大大小小日常事。 //為是次實習計畫任務及目標…

Welcome everyone to the Intern’s blog! As part of the internship programme for the exhibition, we have selected 2 technical interns and 10 exhibition interns, who will be our eyes and ears in Venice during the exhibition period. To bring a piece of the Venetian blue sky to us, we have decided to open up …