ffxiv seraphic illumination

15 Mar 2021

That being said, it is still better to do this if it saves an AST a GCD heal, as it is a 10 potency swing in their favor. Gaining extra burst damage on the boss is almost always superior to using it to damage an add. This entirely depends on your group’s kill time if you will lose a usage. They start out as SR Weapons. Avoid using her during raid burst damage windows. These can be categorized by who uses them and who they benefit. The meta of XIV revolves around stacking raid buffs for massive burst windows. No shielding skill in the game works like this. In reality, many of them do not see much use in current content. D&D Beyond Note that the reason why they are of the same value is to give accessibility to the user to use fairy actions aside from Consolation when Seraph is active. Since Determination affects healing potency, and Direct Hit does not, many healers hesitate to stack DH over DET. Whispering Dawn is now considered an oGCD for the Scholar, which means that it must be weaved. Seraph is a niche prepull action to consider since it requires some weird timing to still allow the user to Dissipate where we want to and also forces us to use our “free” weave slot after our 4th GCD on Consolation It’s also combined with not allowing us to re-summon Seraph for the first 1:50 of the fight. This can be to both the Scholar’s benefit or their detriment. Knowing these two key things, we find the best “general” opener is as follows: Now there are two more important things to talk about, one which does not affect our opener and one which does. This skill was massively reworked in terms of use and effectiveness in Shadowbringers. The 1,300 MP cost is extremely significant especially if it is being spammed for AOE healing. Gauntlet of Uriel (SSR)(Ea… This is your first heal, a carry over from being an Arcanist. This video is the holy grail of information in regards to optimizing. Finding the right amount of PIE for yourself takes a lot of trial and error; it is useful to keep other pieces available so that you can sub in more piety if it is needed. Again, notice that all of them are on a multiple of thirty second cooldown. This can result in a death, so make sure your shields are applied early enough for outgoing damage. Most DHIT builds have less than 1% higher damage than those with DET, and have less than 4% reduced healing. Its best usages are when paired with other oGCD options. Other Uses. As Momo puts it, we need constant uptime and tight GCD casting diligence to make sure we continually clip Biolysis on the back end of the raid buffs to “recoup our losses.” In general, without a NIN and with only one raid buff, the recoup begins at around 3:50, and roughly each additional raid buff generally takes another minute off that time to recoup the loss damage from overwriting in the opener. 1. This spell summons the fairy to your side, in either her Selene or Eos stance. This is somewhat “risky” in that if a member of the raid falls asleep and misses a raid buff (PUGs are guilty of this) or if you yourself make a mistake and drift your GCD or miss the Bio refresh, then the losses are already somewhat severe and you are at a loss as opposed to just doing the standard dummy rotation. This can be combined with an Adloquium deploy for some massive mitigation in the case of an opening AOE on a fight. A critical Adloquium will then also apply an additional shield, called Catalyze, which is equal to an additional 125% of the value healed (thus, another 375 potency). Both healers should be working together to maximize the overall contribution to raid DPS. Raid buffs should almost always be used on cooldown. Losing an Energy Drain for an Indom that saves you or your cohealer a GCD based heal is an absolute gain. Many Scholars attempt to shield incoming damage, especially large instances of damage. These burst windows are critical for maximizing party raid DPS to increase damage and speed up kill times. Battle theme for the final boss of the Orbonne Monastery. AST has a lot of oGCD tools for healing that can be weaved for free whenever. This must tick for 15s to have done more damage than a Broil III. The damage reduction will continue on this downward curve. The Catalyze will remain untouched, however. live next to the servers for this), or a 2.41/2.40 GCD (2.42 is not viable due to our alignment in the end, but it is closer to what 2.43 provides than 2.41, for obvious reasons). Crafting & Gathering content will be hosted by another site. This is never the optimal goal, but if you drift your GCD slightly while getting used to the new refresh timing, you are still within raid buffs and the loss is less severe. There are many possible usages for her. If there are two back-to-back raid wide instances of damage, it is possible to time a Succor so that the heal will get the party before the first hit, and the shield will register after the damage. Scholar has one raid buff. That is not to say that using Indom is bad. It also allows WHM to avoid having to clip their DoT when moving. Scholar’s main identity revolves around the usage of it’s fairy, which has two forms: Selene and Eos. Because there is nothing to target in downtime, they do not lose Glare casts for using them. Gauntlet of Uriel (SR)(Earth) 4. If it specifies “healing magic potency,” it will only increase healing that comes from GCD based heals. Other than that, its generally only used as a tool with Deployment Tactics. This is a 600 potency heal which is fairly powerful. The combination of its powerful healing options and raid utilities make it a force to be reckoned with. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. However as said, this does not buff oGCD heals so it does not affect abilities such as Lustrate, Excogitation, Fey Union, or Indomitability. When used with Dissipation, the healing potency becomes:300+(300*.2)=360, If we decide to add in Nature’s Minne from a Bard, another 20% increase, then we get:360+(360*.2)=432. It is a flat 25% increase to damage when you get a Direct Hit. The net heal from this is 3,200 potency across an entire entire person party, 400 raw healing potency done per person. This Adlo has a higher healing potency than your Lustrate, and provides a shield equalling 125% of that value. The fairy is also boosted by potions and food that the Scholar consumes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So you summon Seraph, and Seraphic Veil is active in process. Instances of incoming damage to party members in this game are very spread out, which allows healers to abuse their powerful oGCD healing tools to handle healing while they DPS. This action is useful for saving a GCD that would have otherwise been a Succor. If Succor is cast too late, the delay on the shield may mean that it won’t take effect until after damage has already happened. 66 Sword of Michael (SR)(Fire) 2. Single target healing the tank when it is taking heavy damage. This was awful for uptime, as multiple people were being forced to move during the mechanic, and was followed by a mechanic that required healers to top the party to full health. Taking AST in a more optimized setting should result in less Aetherflow heals required. This is SCH’s DoT skill. For healers, there are some niche situations where a higher item level weapon will be worse due to inferior substats, but generally only when the item level differs by 5. This guide will continue to be updated through 5.0. If you can’t get that time, then opt into pure Broil III spam. This is your strongest source of AOE burst healing. Without you, this would not have been completed. The main problem with her is that she is an oGCD to summon and so too are her abilities. This will take some getting used to, and you can lose casts if you aren’t careful. This ability is also useful to use on duo tank busters for mitigation and maintenance afterwards. This is important to understand for Scholars. Blessing also has the advantage of a massive range. Anything less and you are losing casts throughout the course of an encounter, which harms your DPS significantly. He did the opener section himself. Shielding is generally not needed for most raidwides. Surecast can be used to prevent most knockback and pull effects. 40) Affinity: SCH: Cast: Instant Range: 0y Radius: 15y Rebuild Lists. For high level optimization, you ideally want enough Spell Speed to get around a 2.41 GCD, as this allows for optimal refreshes of Biolysis. Using it on cooldown will result in a usage where you can not get good value. Generally, you’ll try to deploy off of the tank that is not tanking the boss at the time, or yourself if you know you’ll be safe and properly positioned.. I will also be addressing certain inefficiencies in Scholar gameplay in hopes that they will allow people to avoid common mistakes.I will include sections on useful tips/tricks that can improve your overall experience playing Scholar. The above list applies heavily to when gearing up and attempting to work towards your BiS set. Dissipation can be held for specific situations, as long as you aren’t losing a usage of it. However, there are times where shielding is necessary. Medica II/Aspected Helios beat it if the alternative was a GCD heal with Indom. This is the opportunity cost of using a GCD heal. Its 45s cooldown means that significant delays will result in a very large DPS loss and will misalign it from raid buffs. The only time this should be used is when you don’t have other options available at the given time, and you’re out of MP. The goal of this guide is to give insight into how the job is operating in our current raid environment. Be sure to communicate with your team when this skill is coming up. Aspected Helios or Medica II can potentially be a gain over using an Indomitability as well. The priority is of course scaling down from whatever costs the least to what costs the most. Some fights have multiple possible timelines but can still have healing plans that consistently cover their damage. The more percentage increases you add, the more the math begins to stray from the actual value. In general, it is almost always a good optimization goal within statics in every fight to begin using Dissipation, but be wary of it during progression and with pick-up-groups (PUGs). If you have a free oGCD slot, the only downside to throwing out a sacred is losing an Energy Drain. During her duration, you also do not have access to Fey Blessing, Fey Union, or Dissipation. Macros can not be queued. Notably, the fairy can not move while casting this ability, but if it is cast on a target that is out of range, the fairy will move into range to execute this skill. This is 90 potency from Ruin II and 100 from losing Energy Drain. Reducing the damage taken by an attack reduces the healing required, which then increases the amount of DPS healers can do. There are specific circumstances in which shielding is useful, which will be addressed later in this guide. The actual potency on this ability is around 96. When organizing and optimizing heals, you’re generally going to use this priority system for determining what heals are necessary for a situation. During progression, generally you will take whatever has the most item level, as the main stat difference is extremely important, plus the added Vitality, and def and m.def on left side pieces, can help you survive mechanics more readily. For maximum DPS for speed kills and optimized runs, DHIT is mathematically better DPS wise, and the healing gain on DET isn’t likely to make a life or death difference, although it can. To prevent this, you can use Fey Union after a raid-wide to guarantee her healing is funneled on to the desired target. However that said, there are still conditions with a lot of party damage that happens early in a fight, but said fight then doesn’t have additional burst incoming damage for a while afterward that allows us to consider this. This is dependent on 3 things: Clipping Biolysis early can be done in two situations: We either clip it 9th GCD on the back end of Trick Attack if we have a Ninja (NIN), or we clip it on the 10th GCD without one. Please tell me if I understand this correctly. WHM loses a lot of damage from using GCD based heals. Because you’re not going to get the full value out of the last Chain, it is worthwhile to hold earlier usages for different alignment. So if you have a BRD and DRG, the damage gain begins at about 2:50. It is important to know the difference between them being additive and multiplicative. This is extremely heavy hitting, and requires high shielding to survive, but lets the party ignore this part of the mechanic entirely. Check out his Twitch and YouTube. Fill out the form below to share your thoughts on the site. If moving a Divine Veil will save a healing GCD, let the PLD know. I recommend watching it for the details and nitty-gritty, but the general concept is as follows: Due to Biolysis’ high potency (700 total! This uses oGCD space that could go to Indomitability and Sacred Soil, which are higher healing potency and thus those are generally a higher priority to heal with. The overmelds on these pieces can often meet substat tiers that couldn’t have been otherwise, which can be a sizeable increase to DPS. It has many of the concepts discussed here, but in much greater detail. Aspected Astrologian Shields override SCH shields, they do not stack. MP wise, this ability is pretty pricey. You can use this macro to place the fairy on the tank:/pac “Place” <2>. This increases the amount of healing from healing spells (GCDs only) done by those who receive this buff. Because of this, downtime usages are a serious consideration for WHM players, and should be taken into account when creating healing strategies. You can clear while not using these abilities, but it makes the entire run infinitely harder than it has to be. This can be safely removed to free hotbar space. If you don’t, it can cause a few seconds delay before she executes the action you commanded her to do. You also have a chance to use Seraphic Illumination. With that being said, don’t hold Lucid for half of an encounter. Scythe of Belial (SR)(Dark) Each uncap requires a different set of uncap materials. It will not spread a Catalyze buff. However, the main problem with Seraphic Veil is the problem Embrace has; you can not choose who she uses Seraphic Veil on. Embrace is done automatically when she’s not casting anything else, and we have absolutely no control over it. If the boss dies at 8:00-8:10, you aren’t getting the full value out of the final Chain. A certain value of this will always be necessary. There is a slight delay between usage and the actual pull effect, so be cautious about timing when using it. She offers mitigation and a party wide heal over time, which can save numerous healer GCDs. During scenarios like this, it can be beneficial to slightly delay usages to get the full duration out of the buffs. On Scholar, eating the 150 potency loss from Energy Drain can result in a gain for your cohealer, which in turn is a gain for overall raid DPS. Using Ruin II to weave fairy heals is an 90 potency loss, which is the difference between it and a Broil III. Eorzea Collection is where you can share your personal glamours and browse through an extensive collection of looks for your Final Fantasy XIV character. Aetherpact is the command from the Scholar and Fey Union is the ability executed by the Fairy. Energy Drain is our primary tool for “dumping” excess Aetherflow stacks; we trade them in for damage and mana. Everything has a cost. This is a 90 seconds oGCD for WHM, and can be weaved in accordingly. That said, it is still very strong for mitigating massive hits. However, you do lose 150 potency from doing Indom instead of Energy Drain for this. It is useful if you need to save something like Sacred or Whispering Dawn for later. If they WERE additive, the potency would have been 420. If you’re going to Ruin II anyway, try using sprint to see if it can save a GCD. The name really describes this skill; it is used in emergencies for a burst heal. You need to be vocal about things that will make the raid easier. Seraphic Vale is just embrace, it heals whoever is lowest on HP which should ideally be the tank most of the time. Weapon Damage is the most important stat for every class in terms of damage. There are rarely some BIS sets that opt into crafted accessories. You’re pretty much always safe to Ruin II single weave though. This is absolutely suboptimal, but can be useful for comfort if you are uncomfortable with your cohealer or an encounter, or are doing first time progression. Proper usage of these tools can result in a fairly significant gain for healer DPS. Both Fey Illumination and Dissimation’s buff has the latter phrasing. Direct hit functions as sort of a “mini crit”. On top of that, he also proofread this behemoth of a document. The problem with Recitation is that it costs an oGCD slot to use in the first place. This means that when we take damage, the shield will be absorbed before our actual HP bars drop in health. An uncharged Earthly Star can be a gain over using an Indom even though uncharged it does less DPS and less healing. Pages in category "Reforged Artifact Armor +3" The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total. Huge thank you to Ahri for his help with the guide in general. I can not thank you enough. This mostly happens when the gear is Crit+Piety with more Piety than there is Crit on the piece. This section will list off a lot of their flaws to help you avoid them. These can all be stacked for massive shielding on the party. This skill is fairly self explanatory. It does require two oGCD weaves to get a single Consolation, and an additional weave/clip for the second Consolation. This guide will have a LOT of information in it. This is an incredibly useful tool and virtually foolproof. Chain Stratagem increases the rate at which the target takes critical strikes by 10% for 15s. Make SURE your DPS are using their mitigation tools. This is your filler DPS spell that you cast when your damage over time (DoT) is already ticking and nothing else needs to be done. Heals apply as soon as the cast completes (though they do not hit everyone at once). This enables their cohealer to do their maximum possible damage at minimal loss. There are a few core basics that will push you to become a solid player. You can also deploy the shield from Succor, though this tactic is extremely niche. Tooltip code copied to clipboard. In all honesty, you won’t feel the difference either way. When using Seraph prepull, summon her at about 7s prepull and command her to use consolation immediately. Earthly Star only loses 50 damage potency for being uncharged, whereas a usage of Indom is 150 potency lost (230 if used in a forced Ruin II weave). PC QYTQ 9MY6 First two floors PC 6NKO NW3F (Cellar II boss. This means that DoTs retain any buff (or debuff) that was out when the DoT was applied, even after said buff falls off. If forced to do a Ruin II weaved Aetherflow heal, a Scholar loses 230 potency, almost a Malefic IV in damage. In progression, it is recommended to hold off on using Dissipation until you need to push for damage, as it also doubles as a healing tool. Repeated lines in macros will improve responsiveness. There isn’t particularly an “optimal” time to use Lucid Dreaming, as its really dependant on how you’re healing a fight. This is caused by the inherent delay to shield application discussed earlier. Every element has its respective Seraphic Weapon. Large spreadsheets done by Nemekh and Allagan Studies (formerly known as TheoryJerks).

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