forest management plan objectives

15 Mar 2021

Management activities may include efforts to enhance the fisheries resource, restore native vegetative communities, restore riparian ecosystems, or control nonnative invasive vegetation. The Forest Management Plan is designed therefore to achieved the following objectives: 1. This Forest Plan amends the 2008 Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan (2008 Forest Plan), and incorporates changes made since 2008. Regardless, forest vegetation is not static--tree size, value, health, and habitat conditions can change markedly in a decade. To establish the administrative capacity to manage the plan area 2. You can use the Forestry Assistance Locator to help you locate a certified plan writer who normally works in your county. 1.1: Forest area is increased by 3% worldwide. Values and Objectives 2012 Sustainable Forest Management Plan Draft For PAG Review September 5, 2012 Value: A Defined Forest Area characteristic, component, or quality considered by an interested party to be important in relation to an SFM element or other locally identified element. Defining Goals and Objectives in a Forest Management Plan David Dickens, Ph.D. Forest Productivity Professor Kris M. Irwin, Ph.D. Senior Public Service Associate 24 April 2018 Goals and Objectives A statement of goals and objectives from a forest management plan is the first item for a management plan. Goals are the overall strategy. The long-term objective of forest management is to achieve the owner's objectives while recognizing the limits of the ecosystem and economics, guidelines or rules for practices, and the dynamics of forest vegetation. To protect fragile land on steep slopes, protecting water supplies and protecting the The Samples’ primary management objective is to balance wildlife habitat protection and enhancement with long term income generation. Memorandum, this Forest Plan has been amended to reflect the recommendations of the TAC. Both goals can be realized through several careful timber harvests designed to: 1)increase the health and vigor of the forest, 2)improve both tree species diversity and age class diversity, and 1.2: The world’s forest carbon stocks are maintained or enhanced. A forest management plan, usually covering a period of several decades, must: outline a strategic vision and a commitment to protect multiple forest values in the area under management assess the current state of the forest in the area the plan applies to The revised Plan includes 11 Management Indicators (seven species and four communities). Find more details on forest management goals and objectives described in the Forest Plan below. To describe and evaluate the commercial potential of the forest resources in the plan area 3. Of the seven species, five (gray wolf, bald eagle, American marten, 1-1 Chapter 1 Landowner Prepared Forest Management Document The intent of this template is to help you create a management document outlining your activities so you can provide this to theCounty Appraisal District (CAD) if they request aTimber Management Plan to qualify for timber-use valuationWe strongly encourage you to contact a professional forestry . A forest management plan for a landowner with fewer acres may be as simple as defining goals and objectives, mapping the property and forest stands, and laying out a timeline of events. Whether you grow trees, tulips or turkeys, a management plan helps save time and … 1.3: By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially … The management plan addresses items such as landowner objectives, timber management, wildlife management and water quality. It entirely replaces the 2008 Forest Plan, as of the effective date of the Record of Decision (ROD). Management by Objectives: Successful Forest Planning Woodland Owner Notes You’ll be more successful with your forest property if you manage it according to a clear plan. The 1982 Planning Regulations require that the Forest Plan establish objectives for the maintenance and improvement of habitat for management indicator species (36 CFR 219.19(a)).

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