jordan population by religion

15 Mar 2021

Ramadan takes place on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and lasts around 30 days. There were 108 males for every 100 females in the country. Jordan Religion, Economy and Politics Muslims account for 82% of Jordan's population, 93% of which are Sunni Muslims. Around 650,000 Syrians – that’s more than the entire population of Memphis, Tennessee – have registered with UNHCR in Jordan (the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees). Jordan's government operates as a parliamentary monarchy, where the prime minister is in charge of the government as well as the multi-party system. 31 December 2004. Christian > Orthodox > Orthodox population, Muslim > Muslim percentage of total population, Secularism and atheism > Population considering religion important, Secularism and atheism > Population considering religion unimportant. 2. We need money to operate the site, and almost all of it comes from our online advertising. Retrieved 22 December 2011 . More refugees came to Jordan suddenly in 1967 when Israel took control of Jerusalem and West Bank during the Six-Day War. Jordan signed a peace deal with Israel, ending a 46-year-old war with them, in 1994 and the population spiked during this time. There has been an influx of Christian refugees escaping the Islamic State mainly from Mosul, Iraq … Arab Jordanians are either descended from families and clans who were living in the cities and towns in Transjordan prior to the 1948 war, most notably in the governorates of Jerash, Ajlun, Balqa, Irbid, Madaba, Al Karak, Aqaba, Amman and some other towns in the country, or from the Palestinian families who sought refuge in Jordan in different times in the 20th century, mostly during and after the wars of 1948 and 1967. It is very essential to make available population projections based upon systematic analysis of the population … Christians live throughout Jordan… Religions: Muslim 97.2% (official; predominantly Sunni), Christian 2.2% (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations), Buddhist 0.4%, Hindu 0.1%, Jewish <0.1, folk <0.1, unaffiliated <0.1, other <0.1 (2010 est.) Literacy rate for adult male population is 98.12% (3,361,418 persons). This is the highest percentage of Sunni Muslims in the world. One important Islamic event that occurs in Jordan is Ramadan. 64,336 are … Many Christians are natives especially in towns such as Fuhies, Madaba, Al Karak, Ajlun, or have Bedouin … Muslims account for 82% of Jordan's population, 93% of which are Sunni Muslims. This spirit of tolerance and appreciation is one of the central elements contributing to the stable and peaceful cultural climate flourishing in Jordan. The current population growth rate is 1.00%, adding about 101,000 people to the population from 2019 to 2020. While Christians represent 6% of the population and 1% identify as another religion. The land is nearly all useless as far as growing agriculture, and Jordan has to import more all of their food. However, Jordan’s status as a receiving country for refugees has also meant that it is a key player in the region’s stability, while requiring high levels of international aid. Approximately 92% of Jordanians are Sunni Muslim, and Islam is the official religion of Jordan. Jordan, officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is an Arab kingdom in the Middle East bordered by Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, and Palestine. The Future of the Global Muslim Population . The majority of Jordanian Christians belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church, estimated between 125,000–300,000, while Catholics number 114,000 and Protestants 30,000. Some refugees are Iraqi Lebanese. Most people live where the rainfall supports agriculture. After experiencing a period of fast population growth from 2000 to 2020, increasing the population by over 5 million people, the Jordan population is expected to continue growing. Christianity is the biggest minority religion in Jordan and Christians account for 2.2% of the population. There are also about 500,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan. Religion und Staatsbürgerschaft Im Norden Israels leben rund 120.000 Drusen (Stand 2005), die sich als unabhängige Religionsgemeinschaft sehen. The Muslim population available is 95%. In 2008, Jordan was home to 1.95 million Palestinian refugees, most of whom were Jordanian citizens. Today, Syrian refugees account for more than 10 percent of Jordan’s population, placing immense pressure on the country’s over-stretched resources at one of the most difficult economic periods in its history. Population considering religion important, Population considering religion unimportant, Wikipedia: Buddhism by country (Buddhism by Country), Wikipedia: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in France (Membership Statistics),, International Religious Freedom Report 2004. The land itself is mostly flat and covers 34,495 square miles (89,342 square kilometers) of surface area. The dramatic population shifts and massive influxes of immigrants are expected to stabilize, and even slow, in the years to come. This spirit of tolerance and appreciation is one of the central elements contributing to the stability and peace in Jordan. About 20,000 to 32,000 Jordanians identify as Druze and these people reside primarily in the north of the country. Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the Syria crisis, with the second highest share of refugees compared to its population in the world, 89 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants. Arabs constitute 95% of the total population of Lebanon, while Armenians make up 4%, and the others 1%. Other Christian denominations active in Jordan include Roman Catholicism, Coptic Orthodox, Protestantism, etc. 0. history Jordan is a land steeped in history. It has been home to some of mankind's earliest settlements and villages, and relics of many of the world's great civilizations can still be seen today. Copy code below and paste it into your website. "Muslim Population by Country" . About 70% of Jordan's population is urban; less than 6% of the rural population is nomadic or semi-nomadic. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. But why is the number of Christians decreasing i… Jordan ranked second for islam > percentage muslim amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2004. The latest estimates published by the Catholic Church, on the eve of the 2009 papal visit to Jordan and the Holy Land, put the Christian population in Jordan at 3-4 percent. Main religions: Islam ... while the country’s water and health sectors have struggled to accommodate the massive population surge. Between 2000 and 2020, Jordan grew at rates between 1.37% and 5.00%. We don't have any banner, Flash, animation, obnoxious sound, or popup ad. Jordan has positive net migration and a fertility rate of 2.77 births per woman, which is above the population replacement rate of 2.1 births. It may seem as though this decrease wouldn't be desirable, but it is much more stable than the volatility of the past. This will lead to Jordan’s population plateau and eventual decline when the death rates begin exceeding the birth rates. Jordan values its ethnically and religiously diverse population, consequently providing for the cultural rights of all its citizens. Buddhists and Hindus make u… Jiries estimates the total number of evangelical Christians is about 8000 out of 160000 the total number of Christians, significantly lower than current State statistics of the Jordanian Christian population. During this time, most local people in Jordan will not eat or drink between the hours of sunrise and sunset. Jordan later revoked the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians to keep them from resettling West Bank residents. There is also a king in place, who can exercise his power through his appointments. This number has rapidly increased over recent decades, as Christians formed 30% of the population as recently as 1950. Israel is very geographically diverse with mountains in the north, desert in the south and a gorgeous coastline in the west. More than 92% of Jordanians are Sunni Muslims and approximately 6% are Christians. 2.1 UN estimates [6] 2.2 Registered births and deaths [7] 2.3 Fertility Rate (The Demographic Health Survey) [8] 2.4 Structure of the population [9] 3 Ethnic and religious groups. 3 – Population Projections: The population projections are defined as the process of future population estimates for subsequent years to identify the expected size and composition of the population. Around 92 % of the Jordanian population are Sunni Muslim, and around 6% are Christians. Shortly after in 1948 thousands of Palestinian refugees came to the country when Israel created a British-mandate in Palestine. Jordan is one of four Arab states that officially recognizes and has full diplomatic relations with Israel. Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 65 and above (% of total population) Population ages 65 and above, total. ). There are about 500,000 Iraqis, and over 500,000 Syrian refugees have moved to Jordan to escape violence in the last two years. (25-11-2020) Issuing the book Jordan in Figures (24-06-2020) Release the results of the presentation, usage, input and output tables for the 2016 data Population Clock Today, the 95-97% of Jordanians are Arabs, but there are many other ethnic groups in Jordan. Refugee population by country or territory of asylum. According to population studies published in the year 2019 AD, the country’s population growth rates were estimated at 3.6% in Lebanese villages and 3.5% in the capital, Beirut.. Arabic is the official language, in addition to French, English, and Armenian as widespread languages. Pew Research Center . Cancel. Approximately 1.7 million registered Palestinian refugees and other displaced persons reside in Jordan, most as citizens. Population (2006, per IMF): 5.63 million. Jordan is an extremely urban country, with nearly 85% of the people living there residing in cities or the surrounding metro areas. In the early 2000s, Al-Queda exerted itself over the area planting explosives in cars and firing missiles at other countries from within Jordan. The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050; The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity; The Global Religious Landscape; Capital Amman Population (2010) 6,190,000 Annual population growth rate (2000-2010) 2.5% Population gain (2000-2010) 1,360,000 GDP per capita $5,530 (US) Literacy 92.6% of adult population Life … Jordan is an ancient Arab nation in the middle east. The annual growth rate as of 2019 was 1.68%. Autoplay is paused. Retrieved 22 December 2011 . POPULATION. Amman is one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities and one of the most liberal in the Arab world. The others include Egypt, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Today, just 6% of Jordanians are Christians - mostly Greek Orthodox, with smaller communities from other Orthodox churches. The same projections say that the population of Jordan will be 10,208,662 in 2020, 11,122,063 in 2030, 12,679,815 in 2040, and 14,187,734 in 2050. The population of Jordan in 2005 was estimated by the United Nations (UN) at 5,795,000, which placed it at number 104 in population among the 193 nations of the world. Net migration. Amman has a population density of 3,143 people per square kilometer (8,140/square mile). Using the 2017 population of 9.7 million, the population density of Jordan as a whole is 281.2 people per square mile (108.6 people per square kilometer), which ranks 70th in the world. Here are 30,000 Kurds, most of which are refugees from Turkey, Iran and Iraq, and about 5,000 Armenians. Predictions say that this rate will peak in 2020 around 2.2% before slowing down towards 1% annually in 2050. The majority of Christians belong … The Kingdom’s population estimates by age groups, individual and quintile and sex. Jordan is about four times the size of Israel. Wikipedia: Importance of religion by country (Countries), Sunni Muslim 92%, Christian 6% (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations), other 2% (several small Shia Muslim and Druze populations), Sunni Muslim 92%, Christian 6% (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations), other 2% (several small Shi'a Muslim and Druze populations) (2001 est.

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