nato legal internship

15 Mar 2021

If you show initiative and a proactive attitude, you will get the opportunity and freedom to work on projects which are closely related to your personal field of interest, or which catch your attention ‘while in the field’. How do I apply? The internship is open to citizens of a NATO member state. The NCI Agency Legal Office plans, develops, maintains and manages the legal affairs of the agency and gives legal and policy advice. All internship placements will be for a six-month period, with start dates to be determined individually as interns cannot start their internship without their NATO Secret security clearance, and the timing for the completion of clearances varies by nation. From supporting stabilization and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan to conducting counter-piracy activities off the Horn of Africa, NATO operations employ the vast array of allied capabilities to augment international security. The NATO Communications and Information Organisation (NCIO) is one of NATO’s biggest Organisations, established in 2012 to connect forces, NATO and Nations, by providing interoperable Communications and Information systems and services, including Cyber Defence functions. The Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) is an independent office which acts as the custodian of the rules governing the activities of NATO and provides legal advice to the Secretary General, the Private Office, the International Staff and the Committees on legal issues relating to NATO activities, procedures, operations, rules and provisions. In fact, I was offered a temporary contract at the end of the internship and have been regularly performing translation assignments for NATO since then. In addition to this, I carried out research in a variety of areas, most significantly participating in the working group which prepared a new travel policy for NATO staff going abroad on mission. I had a variety of tasks and projects including developing an exhibition, producing a DVD and video stories, writing stories and in-depth briefings as well as more historical research in the archives, all of which taught me something. The graduate degree of the students should not be older than a year. Depending on the mission of the organisation they support, NATO legal advisors may work on actions involving public international law, private international law, administrative law, intellectual property rights, the law of armed conflict and military operations, legal relations with host nations, personnel, cyber defence, air and space, maritime, contracting, and procurement law. It screens and maintains financial data, manages NSIP contributions, consolidates financial and budget information and provides inputs for medium term planning. Daily responsibilities entail attentive monitoring of significant current events in NATO areas of operations, such as Afghanistan, the Balkans, Iraq and Africa. Educational status: The Intern will work at the NCIO Independent Secretariat, and thus at the interface between NATO nations and the NCIA. Being an Intern with the OFC entails working closely with many people from different Finance Units and gaining insight into the Budget and Treasury as well as Internal Control Services. In addition to these activities, I worked on improving NATO’s relations with international financial organisations like the IMF, the World Bank and the OECD. To this end, developing NATO’s ability to anticipate and effectively address new challenges will be central to the future of the Alliance. We want to build a truly integrated and focused communications approach and become better in telling NATO’s stories through multiple tools and to multiple audiences.”. Translation interns with French or English mother tongue benefit from systematic revision of their work by revisers and experienced translators, are taught how to exploit terminology in texts and how to use CAT tools. Observing the diplomatic, administrative, protocol and logistical aspects of a NATO Summit alongside the political discussions provided me with invaluable experience I could not have gained through academic studies. In order to apply for an internship at NATO, you must fulfil all criteria outlined below on the application date: Age: you will be over 21 years of age Nationality: you will be a citizen of a NATO Member State. The ASB, composed by representatives of each NATO nation, is responsible for organisational governance of the NCIA. The Division consists of two Directorates: the Planning Directorate and the Operations Directorate. The NOR consists of the Office of the Director and three main branches: NOR leads International Staff (IS) efforts to modernise existing information systems and business practices to improve the timeliness and quality of financial information used in decision-making and to ensure that management of military common funding reflects best practices in public finance. We were responsible for organising expert briefings to the OPC (Operations Policy Committee) and the PPC (Political Partnerships Committee) on specific economic issues. As an Intern in the Armament Directorate of the Defence Investment Division, I supported the work of a joint civil-military team engaged in the end-to-end review and rationalisation of the entities involved in NATO defence planning and capability development. NATO gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and gain professional experience while learning and observing the inner workings of an international organization. read more. Being involved in these projects has given me the opportunity to understand how work is conducted at NATO in general and more specifically how HR operates in setting up policy and implementation work. Additionally, I attend and often participate in other NATO meetings that involve files relevant to our Section and/or Division and offer written and oral briefings to other members of PASP when necessary. Its main goal is to give successful candidates the opportunity to improve their analytical and technical skills in an international … Eligibility for NATO Internship Program, 2021: The candidates applying for NATO Internship Program, 2021 should be older than 21 years. These include Operations Research & Analysis, Resource Managem… Please no additional inquiries by email or phone. In PASP, there is always work to be done whether administrative, analytical, or operational. As an intern in the Council Secretariat (CONSEC) one becomes part of the team whose central role within the Secretary General’s Private Office is to support the North Atlantic Council in its day-to-day work and to organise all meetings at Ambassadorial and Ministerial level. ), I found the experience in this office a great way to get a better understanding of the operating of NATO as a political as well as military alliance consisting of 28 Member States and many partners, as an international actor and as a full-fledged international institution. The Finance Section maintains programme data and budget records to provide accurate and timely reports on all financial aspects to the resource committees. Among my other tasks, I also supported the Armament Directorate’s Executive Office in the organisation and preparation of the meetings of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) – the senior NATO committee responsible for promoting cooperation between countries in the armaments field. Deadline: 31 December 2021, Duty Station: The Hague - NL, Ref: 20378 Internship - Coordination and Planning Unit. As part of its responsibilities, RUUK supports the work of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) and the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC), which are the main forums for consultation between Allies, and Russia and Ukraine. The existence of many critical aspects inherent to these meetings, ranging from the circulation of the agenda to participation to seating arrangements to the preparation of minutes, has significantly developed my attention to detail. The outcome of the project was to set up a directive on how a specific allowance had to be implemented at NATO. The NATO Headquarters (HQ) organise an internship programme, with the aim to provide a small number of current or recent students with the opportunity to intern with the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The NATO Office of Security (NOS) is responsible for the overall coordination of NATO security among Member, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue nations and NATO civil and military bodies. As I had a background in journalism and editing I did my internship in the Corporate Communications Section of the Public Diplomacy Division. In general, throughout the course of the internship, you will be assigned with very diverse projects, depending on the needs of the office. My tasks were to collect, revise, and reformat the different inputs provided by some of  NATO Divisions involved in capability development; to manage and coordinate the consultation rounds with the relevant stakeholders; and to draft, in collaboration with the rest of the team, an interim report to be submitted to the attention of the Private Office. It consists of several legal advisers from different nationalities with general and specific legal … Over the course of the six months, I was able to hone my skills and feel fully part of the Service. You will need to submit: your application form, a CV and a covering letter. We prepared a paper on the impact of the Kabul Bank crisis on Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development process. Due to my financial background my daily responsibilities also extend to arranging payments against invoices and executing budget commitments. I was given responsibility for tasks, the room to offer ideas and be listened to, allowed to develop projects that played to my strengths as a writer, as well as working across many of NATO's divisions with people from various backgrounds. My internship began on the 4th of October 2010. Go to the main content section. It maintains an awareness of major security and defence developments on the international scene, and also has the lead on NATO-European Union cooperation in defence policy and capabilities. NATO is currently going through major reform, which impacts on the responsibilities of the section, in particular regarding the regulatory framework on reorganisation and on staff's employment and regulations. OECD Internship Programme is designed to bring highly qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the Organisation to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General and to support the corporate functions of the Organisation. Senior managers include interns in their meetings to allow them to observe the decision making process and help them prepare for future professional challenges. The NCIO is composed of the NATO Communications & Information Agency (NCIA) and its governing body, the Agency Supervisory Board (ASB). This list is not exhaustive. My first task as an intern in the Defence and Security Economics Section of the Political Affairs and Security Policy Division (DSE/PASP) was to set up a one day workshop with international experts on the impact of the financial crisis on defence budget expenditures. Explore our vacancies and apply for a rewarding position at NATO! In this connection it is responsible for ensuring the correct implementation of NATO security policy NATO wide. For example, I regularly prepare files and documents for NRC or NUC committee and ministerial meetings including decision sheets, reports, and speaking notes. The final version of the directive is now with the Legal Office for endorsement. Internships will in principle last between 6 and 8 months. However, you’ll have to earn these recommendations by … The need to provide continuity and specialist skills not found in the military, coupled with the cost of training military personnel in skills found in commerce, underpin the requirement for international civilian staff as an integral part of NATO's military structure. Internships : 16 March: Regulatory Affairs/EU Affairs Intern: PA Europe NV : Internships : 21 March: Internship International Trade (Business focus, not legal) Toyota Motor Europe : Internships : 24 March: ECF Internship in Events – Velo-city conference: European Cyclists' Federation : Internships : … Applicants of NATO Internship Program, 2021 should be recent graduates or students. Furthermore the intern supports their section in attending senior-level meetings, drafting memos and reports for distribution throughout the headquarters, and participating in seminars regarding NATO processes and policy. Click OK to reset the timer to {0} minutes. The NATO Office of the Legal Adviser is an independent and dynamic office which is daily involved in a broad range of issues. The research assistant's main task is to contribute, at the request of Committee Directors or Senior Management, to the research and writing necessary for the drafting of Assembly reports and other documents such as background information documents and drafts of speeches. Its main role is to support the North Atlantic Council's  work at all times, taking care of organizational arrangements for meetings at Ambassadorial and Ministerial level. The discussions aimed at finding concrete solutions for collaboration and pooling in the defence sector. Applications should be sent to:; Due to the large number of applicants, only successful candidates will be contacted. My first week involved research work on current and future projects assigned to the section as well as understanding the type of work which was to be expected from me, and more importantly how NATO operates in setting up HR policy work. | My Account Options | Sign In. The NCIO is a key pillar of NATO Secretary General’s Smart Defence and Connected Forces initiatives. Other interns with an IT profile are able to gain valuable professional skills in CAT tools and be involved in all IT-related projects within the Service. Internships can be in our policing services for those of you who are interested in security and crime matters. This workshop gathered high-level experts from defence institutes, think tanks and international financial organisations (IMF, OECD…). This work experience gave me the opportunity to gain familiarity with the international defence environment and the working practices of a complex multilateral organization; more importantly, I had the chance of working at NATO in a defining moment of the Alliance because of the launch of the new Strategic Concept and the various reform and rationalization efforts currently taking place at many levels. In addition, I was involved in organizing regular meetings of the North Atlantic Council (NAC), which is the primary political decision-making body of NATO. Safeguarding the security of its citizens in Europe and North America obligates the Alliance to conduct operations not only in the so-called Euro-Atlantic area but also in regions far away from its own territory. This requires adjusted business processes; a permanent outreach and training effort from NOR to the CIRIS user community as well as managing the change process for new business functionalities and changes to existing business functionalities. The NOS is divided into  four  Branches, Policy Oversight (POB), Security Intelligence (SIB) , Terrorist Threat Intelligence Unit (TTIU)  and Protective Security (PRB). Provides integrated staff and engineering expertise and support across RPPB, BC and IC on NATO-wide C3, Air C2, Alliance Operations, and Strategic Capabilities issue; Has the lead role on Capability Implementation. I enjoy a challenging and fascinating job, working with colleagues throughout NATO from a large range of disciplines. There is one call for applications per year, in Spring, with two starting dates, in September and March the following year. Furthermore, the Division handles the Alliance’s numerous relations with partner countries and with other international organisations. The management support ranges from medium term financial and workforce planning, to facilities and linguistic support and information technology services including enterprise applications and cyber-defense. EM is organized in four directorates – Human Resources (HR), Information and Communications Technology Management (ICTM), Headquarters Support (HQS) and Financial Resources (FR). There is one call for applications per year, in Spring, with two starting dates, in September and March the following year. But this internship has not only allowed me to develop as a professional in a multicultural environment, but has also contributed to my personal growth, forging a new network of friendships that is sure to be enduring. Travel : Upon the confirmation of the start date of an internship by the Internship Office, we will provide you with a prepaid flight/train ticket (based on a return economy ticket and for an amount of up to 1,200€). Nationality: you will be a citizen of a NATO Member State. Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Co-Sponsorship Grants. Due to the wide range of responsibilities of EM an internship with the Division offers the opportunity to apply and develop management skills as well as specific technical skills. Your internship supervisors & mentors can serve as valuable work reference for you as you pursue your career. The creation of the ESCD underlines the determination to move new, non-traditional security challenges to the fore of NATO’s security agenda, policies and actions. There is only 1 call for applications each year: from April until July for the following year (start dates are in March and September). ), the enlargement process, relations with the Host Nation or third States and other international organisations, personnel, contract and procurement issues. This required a significant amount of research on the subject, a lot of coordination with the various stakeholders and the drafting of the directive itself. Providing an overview of the work of subordinate committees tasked by the North Atlantic Council; Assisting in the co-ordination of high-level meetings within HQ or offsite, by providing administrative and logistical support; Preparing the meetings, liaising with the relevant divisions and Allied or Partner Delegations, as well as other International Organisations; Carrying out ad hoc research on event-related topics or general Council-related matters; Drafting documents such as memos and speaking notes, and taking notes at meetings and preparing minutes. I have been very lucky to be at NATO at an extremely important and exciting time of change. With my background in International Business and Finance I was a perfect for for Executive Management which covers all business functions of NATO HQ. It is organised into two Directorates. Tasks often require both individual effort and consultation with staff officers from different member countries willing to share their invaluable expertise, often under very tight deadlines. I have been able to learn a lot and to acquire new skills and experience thanks to my participation in the various projects that my section entrusted me with and for which I am extremely grateful. I have internship experience in the legal and journalistic sectors, since I studied a double degree in both subjects. The Secretariat Section provides support to the three resource committees. Traineeships are generally undertaken in the Directorate for Legal Translation, the Research and Documentation Directorate, the Communication Directorate, the Protocol and Visits Directorate, the office of the Legal Adviser for administrative cases, the Registry of the General Court or the Interpretation Directorate. This service is set to sign out after {0} minutes of inactivity. Candidates studying Political Science, International Relations, Security Studies, Media Studies, Journalism, or related studies are invited to apply. You get to work with highly motivated people from various backgrounds on interesting subjects. The Governance Section provides central coordination and guidance to the Financial Controller community with respect to NATO accounting and financial policy. be proficient in one of the official NATO languages (English/French) How to apply? As an intern within the division, I was exposed to a wide range of issues pertaining to cyber defence, energy security, WMD, counter-terrorism and the list goes on. Find out about advantages of applying for the NATO Internship Programme. Depending on the mission of the organisation they support, NATO legal advisors may work on actions involving public international law, private international law, administrative law, intellectual property rights, the law of armed conflict and military operations, legal relations with host nations, personnel, cyber defence, air and space, maritime, contracting, and procurement law. The world around NATO has changed. Today, the evolving international security environment continues to produce a variety of threats to allied nations. OLA works closely with the Legal Offices of the two Supreme Military Commands as well as subordinate Military Headquarters and NATO civilian agencies. I regularly attended management meetings and working groups and was responsible for writing the minutes and subsequent meeting reports. Using the latest computer-assisted translation tools, the International Staff Translation Service provides translation between the two official languages of the Organization, French and English, to the NATO Secretary General, the North Atlantic Council and over one hundred committees. NOR supports political level negotiation on resource policy, and makes recommendations to resource committees on the efficient use of common funded resources to achieve NATO objectives. After a few weeks, my manager assigned a project to me for which I had almost full responsibility. The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is the provider of NATO-wide IT services and C4ISR capabilities including cyber and missile defence. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. These projects aim at promoting good practices and reducing the risk of corruption in the defence sector. Each of the directorates provides a wide range of management support and services to the Secretary General and the IS. It is a team that I enjoyed working with and felt very welcome in. In this division I had the chance to contribute to products by conducting research on current affairs of NATO interest from a security point of view,  and I was also assigned my own projects under the direction of my supervisors. More about this internship. Next to direct contact with project-related relevant authorities within the organization, as it is not the only legal office within NATO as a whole, you might also collaborate closely with legal advisers from the IMS, SHAPE, ACT SEE etc. The NATO Office of the Legal Adviser is an independent and dynamic office which is daily involved in a broad range of issues. As an intern in CONSEC I had the opportunity to take part in preparations for the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales, and gained insight into how such a large-scale event at the highest political level is orchestrated. OLA also represents the Organisation before its Administrative Tribunal, is an observer at the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law of the Council of Europe (CAHDI) and takes part in other relevant professional and academic fora.

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