oic kashmir resolution

15 Mar 2021

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has reiterated its "strong and unequivocal support" for disputed Kashmir in a resolution adopted unanimously in the Muslim bloc's gathering in Niger, Pakistan said. Pakistan cannot let the world stop paying attention to India’s abuses in the region. Published in The Express Tribune, December 1. The OIC recognized that Jammu and Kashmir is the core dispute between Pakistan and India, and its resolution indispensable for realization of the dream of peace in South Asia. 4/46-POL on the Situation in Afghanistan 10 Resolution No. This critique also covered India’s consistent efforts to block Kashmiris from exercising their right to self-determination by trying to exclude them entirely from any attempts at resolving the dispute. Strongly denouncing India’s illegal steps and blatant human rights violations in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the OIC stressed for resolution of the lingering dispute by giving right of self-determination to oppressed people. OIC and the Kashmir issue OIC was established as a reaction to the burning of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israel in 1969 in order to provide a forum for Muslim states to discuss the 12 Haider Mehdi, op. India rejects OIC resolution on Kashmir, says matter 'strictly internal' Reacting to OIC resolution, India's MEA said, "As regards the resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir, our stand is … According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday, the OIC, in a unanimously adopted resolution at the 47th Council of Foreign Ministers " … OIC Council of Foreign Ministers at its 47th session in Niamey, Niger adopted a resolution reaffirming its strong support for Kashmir cause. 3/46-POL on the OIC Mission in Mogadishu 9 Resolution No. Published in The Express Tribune, December 1st, 2020. 11/46-POL on the Peace Process between India and Pakistan 34 This included extrajudicial killings of innocent civilians through fake encounters and other operations and collective punishment such as the practice of razing private property, including residential units. It also does not address the plunder of the rivers in POJK which are having devastating effects on … The resolution on Kashmir was part of the “political resolutions” that are approved every year by the Islamic bloc during their annual gathering. The people of Pakistan and Kashmir are grateful to all Muslim countries for supporting their stance but time has come to take a step further as mere resolutions will not bring any relief in lives of Kashmiri people as such written resolutions fall on deaf ears. It was a comprehensive and strongly worded resolution that sent a loud and lucid message that 57-member countries really feel the pain and agony of oppressed Kashmiri people. However, this resolution is just the beginning and this is a small win for Pakistan. Pakistan also told world leaders to used their power to resolve this issue. The work is clearly defined and each has a duty to question the other, in regard to its share of work. The 57-member Muslim bloc also condemned Indian human rights abuses in the region, going after Indian state terrorism in the strongest terms. Thousands of people have been deprived of sight by the use of pellet guns by Indian occupation forces. OIC Council of Foreign Ministers at its 47th session in Niamey, Niger adopted a resolution reaffirming its strong support for Kashmir cause. The OIC also noted how even the Covid-19 pandemic was not enough to weaken India’s focus on abusing Kashmiris’ rights. Resolution No. Indian officials said New Delhi wouldn’t be surprised if the final OIC resolution does contain customary references to Kashmir claimed by Islamabad but underlined that it … After days of confusion over whether or not the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) would take up the Kashmir issue, the actual meeting brought about a resolution in favour of the people of the disputed region and in line with Pakistan’s position. The enmity of BJP government towards Muslims is no longer a secret. Before suggesting others, the OIC countries themselves should take a lead in this regard. Unless otherwise stated, all content is In that regard, the OIC’s resolution is undoubtedly a win. The OIC has strongly reaffirmed their unequivocal and unanimous support for the Kashmir Cause in a Resolution adopted at #OIC47CFMNiamey categorically rejected illegal actions taken by India since 5 August 2019. “The [OIC] Resolution demands that India cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris as well as other unilateral and illegal actions, including ‘Jammu & Kashmir … It also called for previous efforts at demographic restructuring to be cancelled. The OIC rejected the Modi government’s aggressive efforts to change the region’s legal and political status and its efforts at undermining the demographics of the disputed territory by revoking the articles of the Indian constitution that grants it special status. New Delhi has previously tried to rubbish independent investigations, including UN reports, mainly getting away with it due to the lack of unity among the international community. It’s no secret that rape is used as a weapon of war in the occupied territory. The OIC resolution this time around has made a very specific point urging the international community to review its engagements with India, the occupying power, for violating and disregarding international laws in occupied territory. The foreign minister also sought the OIC’s role to seek a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council's resolutions … India, Pakistan trade barbs over ‘OIC resolution’ on Kashmir After days of confusion over whether or not the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) would take up the Kashmir issue, the actual meeting brought about a resolution in favour of the people of the disputed region and in line with Pakistan’s position. OIC asks world to comply with UNSC resolutions on Kashmir * Calls upon international community to gear up efforts to resolve Kashmir dispute as per aspirations of … India was also asked by the OIC foreign ministers the follow up on reports by the United Nations’ observers on the conditions in the region and to allow OIC monitors to complete their own report. — Shah Mahmood Qureshi (@SMQureshiPTI) November 29, 2020 Otherwise, wins such as the one last week will mean little to the people who must endure India’s reign of terror. The meeting had a consensus that elections in the occupied Kashmir are illegitimate because they are being held under foreign occupation. It also proved false and baseless the assertions made by India that Kashmir is not part of Niamey meeting agenda. OIC/CFM-38/2011/POL/FINAL 3 RESOLUTION NO.2/38-POL ON THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR DISPUTE The Thirty-eight Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of Peace, A thorough check revealed that the OIC has indeed passed a resolution on Kashmir at the end of its Abu Dhabi meet March 01, 2019.

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