oic stands for in pakistan

15 Mar 2021

The realistic course for Pakistan is to ignore the OIC and treat it as a debating forum. OIC - What does OIC stand for? Pakistan had been seeking international pressure on India ever since August last year, with little success. "Pakistan has been pushing for the foreign ministers’ meeting of the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, which is the second-largest intergovernmental body after the UN, since India annexed occupied Kashmir last August," Dawn reported. OIC is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. OIC stands with india. Mr Qureshi said that if OIC cannot stand by Pakistan, Pakistan would be ready to go for a session outside OIC. In response to another question, he said Pakistan could not wait any further. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states spread over four continents. Pakistan for joint OIC stand. Recommend 0. Published April 1, 2002. “Pakistan’s expectations from the OIC and Saudi Arabia on Kashmir have now been tempered, and realism has set in on that front for Islamabad,” she says. Facebook Count. Junejo. With Kashmir being once again mentioned at the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) resolution, India has called out on the Islamic Grouping for being used by Pakistan, terming it "regrettable." The Organization is the collective voice of the Muslim world. OIC stands by Pakistan on Kashmir issue, says Special Envoy ... "We did call a summit and there we showed solidarity with Pakistan," he noted. If the Ummah-OIC starts belittling all issues that beset it, including Kashmir, then it stands to lose its raison d’etre. “This ties Pakistan… “As the prospective CFM chair, Pakistan stands ready to constructively engage with the entire OIC membership to promote unity, peace and prosperity among the Muslim Ummah,” it concluded. If it will not stand up for the Kashmiris then there will be scant motivation and inspiration for Pakistan and others to support issues that do not affect them directly. Looking for online definition of OIC or what OIC stands for? ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Jun, 2020 ):Secretary General of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Dr Yousaf bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen on Tuesday said the OIC would support and stand by Pakistan in its fight against terrorism. The official communique further said that Pakistan looks forward to hosting the 48th CFM Session in 2021. The Arabs are basically a secular people. ... Pakistan to provide for their securities then it is only right that they should forego their economic interests and stand … Aug 08, 2020 01:11pm. Twitter Share . 0.

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