president of libya

15 Mar 2021

[150] In crossing regional and tribal identities, the committee system aided national integration and centralization and tightened Gaddafi's control over the state and administrative apparatus. [269] Also in 1989, the government founded the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights, to be awarded to figures from the Third World who had struggled against colonialism and imperialism; the first year's winner was South African anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela. [86] In 1970, other OPEC states followed suit, leading to a global increase in the price of crude oil. [17] Claims have been made that his maternal grandmother was a Jew who converted to Islam. [190] Gaddafi became General Secretary of the GPC, although he stepped down from this position in early 1979 and appointed himself "Leader of the Revolution". Nasser argued for Arab nationalism; the rejection of Western colonialism, neo-colonialism, and Zionism; and a transition from capitalism to socialism. [126] Orchestrating a military build-up, the RCC began purchasing weapons from France and the Soviet Union. It is for all those who believe that all nations of the world are brothers under the aegis of the rule of God. [262] Although the US was condemned internationally, Reagan received a popularity boost at home. [282] Further problems arose with the West when in January 1989, two Libyan warplanes were shot down by the US off the Libyan coast. Who is a president of Libya? [498] During the Civil War, various leftist groups endorsed the anti-Gaddafist rebels—but not the Western military intervention—by arguing that Gaddafi had become an ally of Western imperialism by cooperating with the War on Terror and efforts to block African migration to Europe. [308] British Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Gaddafi in March 2004;[309] the pair developed close personal ties. [373] Around 140 Gaddafi loyalists were rounded up from the convoy; the corpses of 66 were later found at the nearby Mahari Hotel, victims of extrajudicial execution. [47] Despite later rumours to the contrary, he did not attend the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. By a single stroke it has lightened the long dark night in which the Turkish domination was followed first by Italian rule, then by this reactionary and decadent regime which was no more than a hotbed of extortion, faction, treachery and treason. [284] They would only be suspended in 1998 when Libya agreed to allow the extradition of the suspects to the Scottish Court in the Netherlands, in a process overseen by Mandela. [288] From 1997 to 2000, Libya initiated cooperative agreements or bilateral aid arrangements with 10 African states,[289] and in 1999 joined the Community of Sahel-Saharan States. [382] As a schoolboy, Gaddafi adopted the ideologies of Arab nationalism and Arab socialism, influenced in particular by Nasserism, the thought of the Egyptian President Nasser, whom Gaddafi regarded as his hero;[383] Nasser privately described Gaddafi as "a nice boy, but terribly naïve". [425] While acknowledging the Marxist influence on Gaddafi's thought, Bearman stated that the Libyan leader rejected Marxism's core tenet, that of class struggle as the main engine of social development. "[295] His proposal for a Union of African States, a project originally conceived by Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah in the 1960s, was rejected at the 2001 Assembly of Heads of States and Government (AHSG) summit in Lusaka by African leaders who thought it "unrealistic" and "utopian". Achrekar, Dr. Angeli Acting U.S. In 1973, he initiated a "Popular Revolution" with the formation of Basic People's Congresses, presented as a system of direct democracy, but retained personal control over major decisions. In principle, the People's Congresses were Libya's highest authority, with major decisions proposed by government officials or with Gaddafi himself requiring the consent of the People's Congresses. [55], In mid-1969, Idris travelled abroad to spend the summer in Turkey and Greece. Initially, both Libya and Syria had contributed troops to the Arab League's peacekeeping force, although after the Syrian army attacked the Lebanese National Movement, Gaddafi openly accused Syrian President Hafez al-Assad of "national treason"; he was the only Arab leader to criticize Syria's actions. [447] After Gaddafi's death, the Libyan psychologist Seham Sergewa, part of a team investigating sexual offences during the civil war, stated that five of the guards told her they had been raped by Gaddafi and senior officials. Libya disintegrated as rival militias feuded for power, and ISIS seized the opportunity to establish a franchise operation.

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