what did the moon look like on october 8th 2020

15 Mar 2021

Using this older definition, winter was the quarter of the year with the shortest daily periods of daylight, with autumn ending and winter beginning with Samhain, traditionally celebrated on October 31st or November 1st (the middle of our fall). Photos of the Moon come from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. Use the Moon to find Jupiter and Saturn. The expected peak (under ideal conditions) is about 20 visible meteors per hour. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Astro-Seek.com Use iFate's moon phase calendar to find the moon phase for any date. Moon phase for october 20, 2020. Image: Hubble Space Telescope photo of Mars taken when the planet was 50 million miles from Earth on May 12, 2016. The second, a so-called "Blue Moon," occurs on October 31st. The planet Mercury will be rising shortly after morning twilight begins and should be visible low in the east-southeast (weather dependent) until it is lost in the glow of dawn. If (and it is a big if) the Comet C/2020 P1 (NEOWISE) is going to be visible in the predawn sky, the morning of Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, might be the best time to look for it. Finally, this October brings us TWO full Moons: the full Harvest Moon on Thursday, October 1 AND the full Hunter’s Moon on Saturday, October 31. This unusual lenticular galaxy has lost almost all the gas and dust from its signature spiral arms, which used to orbit around its center. On Tuesday morning, Oct. 13, 2020, the bright star Regulus will appear about 6 degrees to the right of the waning crescent Moon. On Thursday evening until after midnight on Friday morning, September 24 to 25, 2020, the bright planet Jupiter will appear about 5 degrees to the upper left of the waxing gibbous Moon, with the planet Saturn appearing farther to the left. Some factors that go into this equation: Universal Time is 22.4108333333333 in decimal hours. See here the moon phases for october 2020, like the full moon, new moon for october 2020, Hunter’s Moon in your location. The Moon phase calculator shows exact times of the various moon phases for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA in year 2021 or in other locations and years. However, according to the International Meteor Organization the strength of this shower has been varying from year to year and sometimes has several peaks across several days near the expected peak. As evening twilight ends (at 7:17 p.m. EDT for the Washington DC area), the Moon will appear 25 degrees above the southern horizon. 21:06 UTC. Jupiter is very bright, 13 times brighter than Saturn so look for Jupiter first. Evenings should continue to be a great time for viewing the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, especially with a backyard telescope. Or see an overview of the sunrise or sunset in the March 2021 Calendar. For the Washington, DC area, evening twilight will end at 7:59 p.m. EDT, with the Moon 26 degrees above the horizon. Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020, at 1:23 p.m. EDT, the Moon will be at apogee, its farthest from the Earth for this orbit. This full Moon corresponds with the first of the two Japanese Tsukimi or "Moon-Viewing" festivals. Mars is at its most visible and brightest. We currently divide the year into four seasons based upon the solstices and equinoxes, with winter beginning on the winter solstice in December. As evening twilight ends (at 7:21 p.m. EDT for the Washington DC area), The Moon will be about 11.5 degrees above and Antares about 7 degrees above the horizon in the southwest. Mars will remain visible to the naked eye all night, setting in the west before dawn. This will be one of the smallest full Moons of the year (the opposite of a "Supermoon," sometimes called a micro full Moon). This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. And we’ll enjoy two Full Moons in October—including a Halloween Blue Moon! During the harvest season farmers sometimes need to work late into the night by the light of the Moon. Late Friday night into Saturday morning, Oct. 9 to 10, 2020, the bright star Pollux (one of the twins in the constellation Gemini) will appear to the left of the waning half-moon. In Korea, this full Moon corresponds with the harvest festival Chuseok, during which Koreans leave the cities to return to their traditional hometowns and pay respects to the spirits of their ancestors. Nominally the closest approach would be on Nov. 2, 2020, at 11:33 UTC but this has 3 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes uncertainty due to the lack of observations on such a small object. On the 13th, Mars reaches opposition, meaning Earth passed between it and the Sun. Look south to southwest at nightfall. Current Time: Mar 11, 2021 at 1:52:12 pm: Moon Direction: ↑ 224° Southwest Moon Altitude: 23.2° Moon Distance: 242,924 mi: Next New Moon: Mar 13, 2021, 4:21 am From the Comets feed Fri, 12 Mar 2021 Today. Uranus comes into opposition on Halloween, an easy green binocular target in eastern Pisces, far to the left of Mars. On Friday morning, Oct. 23, 2020, the Moon will appear half-full as it reaches its first quarter at 9:23 a.m. EDT. The Moon will be near its closest approach to the Earth and may look slightly larger and brighter than usual. Using this calendar RabÄ«' al-Awwal (the third month of the year) will begin at sunset on Saturday, Oct. 17, 2020. On the mornings of Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 and 3, 2020, the bright planet Venus and the bright star Regulus will appear at their closest in the eastern sky, rising in the east-northeast around 3:50 a.m. EDT (for the Washington, DC area) and appearing about 26 degrees above the eastern horizon at the time morning twilight begins (at around 6:08 AM). Photos of the Moon come from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. By October 20 it will be another 1.7 degrees higher but at 91 percent of this maximum. Is it also sometimes known as the Snow Moon. Mars will just be beginning to rise in the east, appearing about 2 degrees above the horizon. See the Almanac Planet Rise and Set Calculator for your zip code. Those of us living close to city lights will have much less of a chance of seeing these meteors. The planet Mercury will have already set in the west-southwest, but might be visible just before it sets during the first half of October, low on the horizon about 30 minutes after sunset. Get moonrise, moonset, moon age, moon distance for october 20, 2020. 00:00 - What did the moon look like on November 20 2020?00:39 - What sign is the moon in November 2020?Laura S. Harris (2021, March 7.) Mercury will be shifting from the evening sky to the morning sky and will begin emerging from the glow of dawn on the eastern horizon about four mornings later (depending upon viewing conditions). May 18, 2020 Lunar calendar, Moon Phase-Moon Phase: Waning Crescent - Monday, May 18th, 2020. As mentioned above, the full Moon after next will be on Thursday evening, Oct. 1, 2020. During the month of October, the planet Mars will reach an atypically brilliant magnitude—2.6—outshining every star and planet, even Jupiter! The interplanetary interloper won’t come closer than 1.25 million miles to Earth, but it will present a valuable scientific opportunity for astronomers. On Friday evening into early Saturday morning, September 25 to 26, 2020, the waxing gibbous Moon will have shifted to the east from the night before, appearing about 4 degrees to the lower left of the planet Saturn, with the bright planet Jupiter appearing farther to the right. Look south to southwest at nightfall. Over time these names have become widely known and used. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Astro-Seek.com Sometime in late September or early October, 2020 (2020-Oct-01 14:59 UTC with 6 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes uncertainty), Near Earth Object (2001 GP2), between 11 and 25 meters (36 to 81 feet) across, will pass the Earth at between 0.4 and 14.3 lunar distances (nominally 6.1), traveling at 2.21 kilometers per second (4,950 miles per hour). Mercury will pass between Earth and the Sun on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020, shifting from the evening sky into the morning sky. Pollux will appear about 7 degrees to the upper left of the Moon as evening twilight ends at 8:20 p.m. EDT, close to when the Moon will be highest in the sky for the night. The constellation Orion will appear about 40 degrees above the horizon in the southwest, with the bright stars of the Orion-Cygnus Arm of our home galaxy spread from the south toward the west-northwest. Lunar Calendar for month February 2020 - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. ;-). The first full Moon is on October 1st. And you might want to consider celebrating the harvest; enjoying a mooncake; visiting your hometown, parents, and in-laws (observing appropriate social distancing, of course); and camping out. From the northern hemisphere they will appear in the south as evening twilight ends. By Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020 – the last day of Daylight Saving Time and the day of the full Moon after next – morning twilight will begin at 6:36 AM, sunrise will be at 7:35 AM, 9 minutes later (in EDT) than the latest sunrises of winter (in EST), solar noon will be at 12:51:37 p.m. when the Sun will reach its maximum altitude of 36.73 degrees, sunset will be at 6:08 PM, and evening twilight will end at 7:07 PM. For the Washington, DC area, Aldebaran will rise after the Moon in the east-northeast at 9:42 p.m. EDT, the Moon will reach its highest in the sky for the night on Wednesday morning at 4:55 AM, and morning twilight will begin around 6:13 AM. On Thursday evening, Oct. 22, 2020, the nearly half-full waxing Moon, the bright planet Jupiter, and the fainter planet Saturn, will form a triangle in the southern sky with Jupiter to the right and Saturn above. Moon Phase Calendar for July 2020.To get detailed information for any day, click on the day in the Moon Calendar July 2020.Click on the or in the Moon Phases Calendar for July 2020 and get detailed information for previous month or next month. This page displays the moon phase for October 9, 2020. Antares will set at 8:07 p.m. and the Moon will set in the west-southwest at 8:41 PM. As usual, the wearing of suitably celebratory celestial attire is encouraged in honor of the full Moon. The Harvest Moon is an old European name with the Oxford English Dictionary giving 1706 as the year of its first published use. In the Burmese lunar calendar Oct. 17, 2020 marks the first Waxing Moon day of the month of Thadingyut. In recent years, people have been using the name Blue Moon for the second of two full moons in a single calendar month. For Buddhists, this full Moon is Pavarana, the end of Vassa, the three-month period of fasting for Buddhist monks tied to the monsoons (Vassa is sometimes given the English names "Rains Retreat" or "Buddhist Lent"). The Julian date is 2459285.5024727. March 25-26 Thursday night, Oct. 29, 2020, is the second of the two Japanese Tsukimi or "Moon-Viewing" festivals, which takes place on the 13th day of the lunar month and celebrates the viewing of the waxing gibbous Moon a few days before it is full. See here the lunar calendar in March 2021 per day. The Moon will reach its highest in the sky for the night around midnight with Mars to the right. Moon phase for october 5, 2020. (Think of the Moon’s diameter as ½ degree and that should help you gauge the distance.). Right now, it looks like it will be much fainter and harder to see than the recent comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), but keep an eye on the news in case it does something unexpected. This object could have a 0.41% or 1 in 240 chance of entering the Earth's atmosphere on Nov. 2, 2020, most likely over the Pacific Ocean if it did. But if the full moon occurs in early October – as it did in 2017 and does in 2020 – the October full moon is that year’s Harvest Moon. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. However, most of the public interest is in full Supermoons we can see, not in new Supermoons we cannot see. In the Hebrew calendar, this full Moon falls near the start of the Sukkoth holiday, a 7-day holiday tied to the 15th day of the lunar month of Tishrei (the 15th day of a lunar month is close to if not the same as the day of the full Moon). Moon Phases for October 2020. Mercury is not visible this month, being too close to the Sun’s glare. On Friday evening into Saturday morning, Oct. 2 to 3, 2020, the planet Mars will appear near the full Moon. On Wednesday morning, Oct. 14, 2020, the bright planet Venus will appear to the upper right of the waning crescent Moon. Welcome to the Almanac’s Sky Watch for October 2020. and that during lunar perigee, the tidal force is … Some sources indicate that the Dying Grass, Sanguine, and Blood Moon names are related to the turning of the leaves and dying back of plants with the start of fall. A last quarter moon looks like half a pie. Often for this holiday a temporary hut symbolic of a wilderness shelter is built, and the family eats, sleeps, and spends time in this shelter. The moon’s mean longitude on 00 January 1990 was 318.351648 degrees.. This festival includes the tradition of offering sweet potatoes so this full Moon is sometimes called Imomeigetsu (which translates as "potato harvest Moon"). On Thursday morning, Oct. 8, 2020, at around 7:16 a.m. EDT (2020-Oct-08 11:16 UTC with 13 minutes uncertainty), Near Earth Object (2020 SX3), between 38 and 86 meters (126 to 282 feet) across, will pass the Earth at 4.4 lunar distances traveling at 10.88 kilometers per second (24,340 miles per hour). Jupiter will set first in the west-southwest at 11:12 PM, the Moon next at 11:26 PM, and Saturn last at 11:41 PM. These calculations incorporate the switch to the English New Style (N.S. The Moon will appear full for about three days around this time, from Wednesday morning through Saturday morning. Bill Dunford. As for other celestial events between now and the full Moon after next: As autumn continues the daily periods of sunlight continue to shorten. The day of, or the day after, the New Moon typically marks the start of the new month for most lunar and lunisolar calendars. On Monday evening, Oct. 19, 2020, the bright star Antares will appear about 5 degrees below the waxing crescent Moon. Friday afternoon, Oct. 30, 2020, at 2:46 p.m. EDT, the Moon will be at apogee, its farthest from the Earth for this orbit. By the morning of the full Moon after next (Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020), as morning twilight begins (at 6:07 a.m.), the bright planet Venus will appear in the East about 27 degrees above the horizon near the bright star Regulus (Venus and Regulus will appear at their closest on the mornings of Oct. 2 and 3, 2020). Look south (towards the constellation Sagittarius). On Thursday morning, Oct. 8, 2020, at around 7:16 a.m. EDT (2020-Oct-08 11:16 UTC with 13 minutes uncertainty), Near Earth Object (2020 SX3), between 38 and 86 meters (126 to 282 feet) across, will pass the Earth at 4.4 lunar distances traveling at 10.88 kilometers per second (24,340 miles per hour). (I have read that the name "Travel Moon" comes from observing the migration of birds and other animals preparing for the winter. Get moonrise, moonset, moon age, moon distance for october 8, 2020. For example, both the Iroquois and Algonquin would hunt in the Adirondacks in the summertime but would leave to avoid the harsh mountain winter.). Thursday morning, Oct. 29, 2020, will be the first morning that the planet Mercury will be above the horizon in the east-southeast 30 minutes before sunrise (an approximation of when it might first be visible in the glow of dawn). See here the moon phases, like the full moon, new moon for october 2020 including exact date and times. This will be the last day of Daylight Saving Time (which means you will have an extra hour to sleep in on Sunday morning). Our Halloween customs are thought to have come from these earlier celebrations of the end of fall and start of winter. With clear skies and a small telescope you should be able to see Jupiter's four bright moons, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io, shifting positions noticeably in the course of an evening. Image by Thierry Legault. Director, NASA Planetary Science Division: See the moon phase for every day in 2021 on EarthSky’s famous lunar … Sukkoth ties back to both the sheltering of the people of Israel during the 40 years in the wilderness in the Book of Leviticus and a harvest festival in the Book of Exodus. Even though they are not usually visible, I include in these Moon missives information about Near Earth Objects (mostly asteroids) that may pass the Earth within five lunar distances, because I find it interesting that we have discovered so many. By October 19 it will be 1.9 degrees higher in the sky but would be at 96 percent of this maximum brightness. Friday afternoon, Oct. 16, 2020, at 3:31 p.m. EDT, will be the new Moon, when the Moon will pass between Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. About Moon Calendar. Look south (towards the constellation Sagittarius). For the Washington, DC area, the pair will rise in the east-northeast Friday night at about 11:52 p.m. EDT and morning twilight will begin Saturday morning at 6:15 AM. And because it’s the second Moon in a month, it’s also popularily called a Bue Moon. This page displays the moon phase for October 16, 2020. Get moonrise, moonset, moon age, moon distance for october 5, 2020. October 19, 2020 Lunar calendar, Moon Phase-Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent - Monday, October 19th, 2020. For the Washington, DC area, the Moon will rise in the east-northeast at 4:22 a.m. EDT and morning twilight will begin around 6:19 AM. The Maine Farmer's Almanac first published "Indian" names for the full Moons in the 1930s. Most years the Harvest Moon falls in September but this is one of the years it falls in October. About 4 hours later, at 7:47 p.m. EDT, the Moon will be at perigee, its closest to Earth for this orbit. Much of pre-Christian northern Europe celebrated "cross-quarter days" halfway between the solstices and equinoxes, and divided the seasons on these days. This year Sukkoth starts at sunset on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020. Use iFate's moon phase calendar to find the moon phase for any date. The best time to look for these meteors would be after midnight but before the sky begins to lighten with dawn. The mass of this object is estimated to be between 100 and 1,000 times less than the approximately 20 m (66 ft) object that entered the Earth's atmosphere over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013. According to this almanac, as the full Moon in October and the first full Moon of fall, the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern USA called this the Travel Moon, the Dying Grass Moon, or the Sanguine or Blood Moon. The name of a current phase, an approximate percent of an illuminated surface of the Moon visible from the Earth, and Moon's age (days) are also provided. You can also find the next full moon. This is also the first of four supermoons for 2020. Watch the moon calendar in March 2021 per day, for example the Full moon. Get ready to gaze on the first of two full moons slated for October; the first will dazzle sky watchers this Thursday (Oct. 1) and the second will shine eerily later this month on Halloween (Oct. 31). In late October, if you notice you have a lot of trouble waking up in the morning, you have a good reason (or at least a plausible excuse...). Jupiter is very bright, 13 times brighter than Saturn so look for Jupiter first. NASA is working to return the Hubble Space Telescope to science operations after resolving a problem with a safeguard aboard. In most lunisolar calendars the months change with the new Moon and full Moons fall in the middle of the lunar months. The full Moon after next will occur on the morning of Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020. Look east at sunrise for a red-orange dancing dot. Custom programming and server maintenance by. You can also find the next full moon. For the sunrise or … For Saturn, you should be able to see the brightly illuminated rings as well as the motions of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. See Bob Berman’s highlights of the monthly night sky. Pollux will appear about 5 degrees to the upper right of the Moon by the time the Moon sets in the west-northwest on Tuesday morning at 4:10 a.m. EDT. Science Writer: Jupiter will catch up to Saturn on December 21, 2020 for the eagerly awaited conjunction—the closest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 397 years! Part of the festival includes offerings to the Moon Goddess Chang'e (the name the China National Space Agency gives their lunar missions). Before dawn on the 13th and 14th, Venus meets the crescent Moon in Leo. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. As mentioned in the introduction above, the Orionid Meteor Shower is expected to peak early in the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020. The planet Mars, still near its brightest for the year, will appear about 22 degrees above the horizon in the east-southeast. Site Manager: This calendar shows the Moon Phase for every day in the current month of March 2021. The name of a current phase, an approximate percent of an illuminated surface of the Moon visible from the Earth, and Moon's age (days) are also provided. Credits: NASA, ESA. It would still be at 99 percent of this brightness when it rises on October 18. For Washington, DC, (and similar latitudes in the USA), the mornings from Sunday, Oct. 25, to Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, will be the darkest mornings of the year with the latest sunrise times. This full Moon is in the middle of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar and near the middle of Safar, the second month of the Islamic year. In addition, there is some evidence that a larger than usual peak may occur sometime between 2020 and 2022. March equinox. An object this size would break up harmlessly high above the surface with only small pieces falling as debris after the breakup. That’s right—we’ll have a full Moon on Halloween night this year! For the Washington, DC area, the Moon will appear 26 degrees above the horizon in the south-southeast as evening twilight ends at 7:57 p.m. EDT, the Moon will be at its highest for the night (27 degrees above the southern horizon) at 8:46 PM, Jupiter will set first in the west-southwest on Saturday morning at 12:48 AM, Saturn next at 1:25 AM, and the Moon last at 1:35 AM. If you happen to be in the South Atlantic or in the southern tip of South America, the Moon will pass in front of Mars. October 9-10 Its mean anomaly is 68.0212421118 degrees. Oct 10. Use iFate's moon phase calendar to find the moon phase for any date. The "Summer Triangle" of Vega, Deneb, and Altair will appear directly overhead. Others indicate that the names Sanguine or Blood Moon are associated with hunting to prepare for winter. In the Islamic calendar the months traditionally start with the first sighting of the waxing crescent Moon after the New Moon, although many Muslim communities now follow the Umm al-Qura Calendar of Saudi Arabia, which uses astronomical calculations to start months in a more predictable way. That happened on September 22, 2020, making October 1, 2020’s full Moon the “Harvest Moon” this year. From the Moon feed Sun, 21 Mar 2021 10:41 EDT 9 days away. The Moon will set first in the west-southwest on Thursday morning at 12:35 AM. On Thursday night into Friday morning, Oct. 29 to 30, 2020, the bright planet Mars will appear near the nearly full waxing Moon. Jupiter and Saturn pair up at nightfall from October 21 to 23. This comet will be moving closer to the Sun, which means it will be getting brighter as it gets more sunlight to reflect towards Earth, while it will also be moving away from Earth (making it dimmer). Oct 1. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases. From the Earth feed Sat, 20 Mar 2021 05:22 EST 8 days away. Social Media Lead: Moon phase for october 8, 2020. On the evening of the full Moon on Oct. 1, 2020, as evening twilight ends (at 7:47 p.m. EDT for the Washington, DC area), bright Jupiter will appear in the south about 28 degrees above the horizon, with Saturn to the left of Jupiter at about 29 degrees above the horizon. On March 11 the Moon is 27.68 days old. From October 21 to 23, the waxing Moon passes between the two gas giants. 136472 Makemake at opposition. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, 2020, the planet Mars will be at its brightest and closest to Earth for this apparition, appearing opposite the Sun as seen from Earth (called opposition, effectively a "full" Mars). Last month was the “Corn Moon.” The full Harvest moon … Scientists have confirmed that the combined effect of the Sun and Moon on the Earth's oceans, the tide, is greatest when the Moon is either new or full. The brightness would drop off faster each morning after this as it moves away from both the Sun and Earth (but gets higher in the morning sky). By the morning of the full Moon after next on Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, as morning twilight begins (at 6:36 AM), the bright planet Venus will appear in the east-southeast about 21 degrees above the horizon. See also additional information and a large picture of the Current moon phase.

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