wto chairman 2020

15 Mar 2021

WTO Director-General: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is the seventh Director-General of the WTO. It would be the first time that the organization would have a woman and someone from Africa as its leader. Ministerial Conference to the next. We agreed to advancing international trade for recovery and equitable economic growth. selection by electing its own chairperson by consensus. Chairman, the WTO is a rule-based organization. General Council Chair David Walker of New Zealand informed members on 20 May 2020 the appointment process for the next Director-General would formally commence on 8 June with nominations accepted from that date until 8 July. > Biography EU Statements at the WTO General Council, on 18 December 2020 ITEM 13 TRIP COUNCIL MATTERS The European Union would like to thank the chair of the TRIPS Council for the work that has been done and is very pleased that the TRIPS Council has been able to agree on the status report, and we look forward to continuing discussions on this important topic next year. The WTO itself has called a meeting for Nov. 9, less than a week after the presidential election, by which time it hopes to have secured full backing for Nigeria’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. 14 December 2020… 1 November 2012 Communication from the General Council Chair to members ... whose chairman is Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Audio: Statement by Pascal Lamy, 7 January 2009: Communication from the Chairman of the General Council. > Statement, Luiz Felipe de Seixas Corrêa of Brazil At the end of October, the United States blocked the nomination of the Nigerian Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is now likely to be appointed. all these bodies, informal consultations are held to produce consensus for the appointment of Directors-General. Audio: Closing remarks by Pascal Lamy At a meeting on 15 February 2021, the General Council agreed by consensus to select Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria as the organization's seventh Director-General. Jonathan Fried of Canada) and the Trade Policy Review Body (Amb. Negotiations Committee, chaired ex-officio by the WTO Director-General; In the questions from the House Ways and Means Committee members, one question dealt with WTO reform, and the answer from Amb. At the end of October, the United States blocked the nomination of the Nigerian Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is now likely to be appointed. Their task was to help members build a consensus, and move from the initial field of candidates to a final appointment no later than 31 May 2013. Will the World Trade Organization (WTO) be reformed to address such challenges or developments? > Biography of Pascal Lamy, 29 April 2009: Lamy: “Strengthening the WTO as the global trade body” subsidiary council, committee or working party formally confirms the Goods Council committees also elect their vice-chairpersons. > Statement, Pascal Lamy of France On 31 July 2020, the General Council agreed that there would be three stages of consultations with WTO members commencing on 7 September to assess their preferences and to determine which candidate is best placed to attract consensus support. > Biography The WTO General Council. Procedures for the appointment of Directors-General (WTO document code WT/L/509). > Statement, Jaya Krishna Cuttaree of On 19 March, the General Council chairperson told ambassadors how the consultations would be organized. When the consultations are complete, the consensus slate is “noted” in Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), visited Nigeria for the first since she assumed office. The winner of the two female candidates may be announced this week. WTO faces urgent need to find a new Director-General. WT/GC/W/813. 22 -23 July 2020 WTO PENSION PLAN MANAGEMENT BOARD ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN, MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PROPOSAL BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL 1. Article 4 of the Regulations of the WTO Pension Plan (WT/L/282) provides for the establishment of a Management Board comprising, inter alia a Chairman, four members and four On February 5, 2021, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria secured the support of the United States for Director-General of the WTO. A detailed explanation for the 2012-13 selection process can be found in a 1 November 2012 Communication from the General Council Chair to members. The Appellate Body is an important element of the Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization (WTO), hearing appeals against the findings of the panel established by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). Since the World Trade Organization's decisions are made by member states, through either a Ministerial Conferenceor through the General Council, the director-general has little power over matters of policy – the role is primarily advisory and managerial in nature. The Director-General has an important role to play in bringing change according to Professor James Bacchus, a former chairman of the WTO … However, to ensure a good distribution of appointments over On Aug. 31, 2020, the WTO’s former director-general, Roberto Azevedo, stepped down a year before his term was scheduled to end. EU Statements at the WTO General Council, on 16 and 17 December 2020 WTO General Council meeting, statements by the EU on 16-17 December 2020; EU Statement by Ambassador João Aguiar Machado at the Trade Policy Review of Indonesia, 9 December 2020 On behalf of the European Union, I would like to welcome the Indonesian Delegation led by H. E. Mr. Jerry SAMBUAGA, Vice Minister of Trade. During these confidential consultations, the field of candidates was narrowed from eight to five and then two. REPORT ON INFORMAL TNC AND INFORMAL HODS MEETINGS 2. The highest authority of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which must meet at least every two years. From 7 to 16 September, Ambassador Walker, together with the Chair of the Dispute Settlement Body (Dacio Castillo of Honduras) and the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body (Harald Aspelund of Iceland) consulted with all WTO members to assess their preferences and seek to determine which candidate is best placed to attract consensus support. The US continues to back South Korean trade minister Yoo Myung-Hee for the leadership of the WTO, despite Okonjo-Iweala's being best placed to gain consensus backing from member states. Okonjo-Iweala assumed office on 1 March 2021, and became both the first woman and the first … Make or Break: WTO Reform in 2020 (Robert Hradil / Stringer) The World Trade Organization (WTO) is at a critical juncture. “Their expertise and high professional and personal qualities are highly valued and respected by all members,” said WTO General Council Chairman David Walker in … However, the institution is under considerable pressure. "l spoke with WTO Director General Dr Okonjo-Iweala. On 12 April, the General Council chair reported the result of the first round of consultations, and announced a revised slate of five candidates. > Biography The World Trade Organization's chief on Tuesday called for urgent action on boosting COVID-19 vaccine production in developing countries, saying manufacturing sites could be prepared in six to seven months or less than half the time previously thought. During her 25-year career in government, she has helped expand her country’s trade network through bilateral accords with the U.S., China, and the U.K. WTO General Council Chairman David Walker plans to formally announce the results to the institution’s delegates on Thursday morning in Geneva. The procedures for appointing the WTO Director-General are described in document WT/L/509. The Chair of the General Council informed WTO members on 3 November that Mr Azevêdo had provided a letter expressing his wish to seek reappointment for a further term, and that if members wished to nominate other candidates they would have until 31 December 2016 to do so. Nine candidates were put forward by their governments during the nomination period which closed on 31 December. Officially, each council, committee or working party elects its own From 1 April the General Council chair (Amb. Joakim Reiter of Sweden), consulted all members. On October 29, 2020, the WTO nominations committee advanced Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to the group’s 164 members as the next head of the organisation. The Appellate Body (AB) ideally consists of seven members including the Chairman. In its two decades, it has helped reduce barriers to trade in both goods and services and created a dispute resolution system that supporters say has reduced the threat of trade wars. We discussed human rights, investing in the environment, health, and technology to spur development and prosperity for the American people," Harris said in a tweet. As shocking as the news were, WTO Members have begun the process of selecting a new Director-General to replace Roberto Azevedo. Home  |  About WTO  |  News & events  |  Trade topics  |  WTO membership  |  Documents & resources  |  External relations, Contact us  |  Site map  |  A-Z  |  Search, español  Walker and his co-facilitators disclosed on 8 October the outcome of these consultations and the two candidates advancing to the third and final round of consultations, which will determine the successor to Roberto Azevêdo. He was formally accepted as the next Director-General by the General Council on 14 May. Working at the WTO . General Council (including, the bodies reporting to the Trade According to "Central News Agency", the competition for the post of Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has entered the final stage. On 26 April, he reported on the second round, with two candidates remaining: Mr Herminio Blanco of Mexico and Mr Roberto Carvalho de Azevêdo of Brazil. Walker and his two co-facilitators in the selection process disclosed the five candidates who had secured the broadest and deepest support from the WTO membership in the first round of consultations and should consequently advance to the next stage of the process. If we want to win back people’s confidence in this organization, the most fundamental thing is to treat existing rules and implement promised commitments, with respect and awe. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala WTO: World Trade Organization Nigeria nominee and 10 things you need to know about di DG candidate of ECOWAS for di intergovernmental organization 17th July 2020 On 28 October, the General Council Chair informed members that based on consultations with all delegations Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala was best poised to attain consensus of the 164 WTO members. On February 5, 2021 Korea's Trade Minister Yoo Myung-hee announced she would be withdrawing from the selection … China News Service, October 27th. Committee, which have terms that are set differently, so far from one Last updated on 17 June 2020 17 June 2020. > Biography Delegation, General Walker and his two co-facilitators announced that based on their consultations with all delegations the candidate best poised to attain consensus and become the 7th Director-General was Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria. Mauritius 29–31 January — Candidates meet General Council, give press conferences. français. Negotiations Committee); those reporting to the Goods Council; and those On 8 May, the three chairs recommended Mr Roberto Carvalho de Azevêdo of Brazil to members as the consensus candidate. were received: Carlos Pérez del Castillo of Uruguay At a Heads of Delegation meeting on 28 October, Amb. The process is explained in a note which the General Council Chair circulated to all WTO members. ... Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States, 2009-17 ... 2020 is a critical year for the global community to better align on global trade and environmental objectives, policy … On Aug. 31, 2020, the WTO’s former director-general, Roberto Azevedo, stepped down a year before his term was scheduled to end. Almost all the chairs have one-year terms. Amb. Ambassador Xolelwa MLUMBI-PETER (South Africa) Committee on Trade and Environment. In July 2020, a total of 8 candidates were formally nominated and run for t The appointment is made by a consensus decision of the General Council, which consists of all WTO members. At the end of the nomination period for the 2020-21 DG selection process eight candidates had been put forward by their respective governments. The candidates presented themselves to the WTO membership in the General Council, 29–31 January 2013. A second round of consultations took place from 24 September to 6 October. Walker stressed that this was the assessment of the “troika” of facilitators and that a final decision had to be taken by the members at a General Council meeting, which was scheduled for 9 November. View all vacancies remarks: Informal Meeting of Heads of Delegations, Four candidates Lighthizer reviews U.S. plans for Appellate Body reform. In answers to follow-up questions, Amb. Informal Meeting of Heads of Delegations, General On 6 November, Amb. Amb. The selection process of a new Director-General has been held up by Korea's failure to withdraw its candidate and the U.S. refusal to join a consensus behind the Nigerian candidate, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. WT/GC/W/813 16-17 December 2020 PROPOSED AGENDA 1. Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. 30 April 2009: WTO members reappoint Lamy for a second term on slates of chairpersons in three groups: those directly involving the However, the second phase of consultations would start on September 24 to October 6 after which the WTO would release two final candidates. A number of World Trade Organization WTO will meet on Monday to appoint a new chairman, it was announced on Tuesday. The director-general supervises the WTO secretariat of abo… Negotiations on a comprehensive development agenda have foundered on disagreements over agric… The WTO itself has called a meeting for Nov. 9, less than a week after the presidential election, by which time it hopes to have secured full backing for Nigeria’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. The WTO was established in 1995 with the aim of promoting open trade for the benefit of all. On 15 February 2021, the General Council agreed by consensus to select Dr Okonjo-Iweala as the organization's seventh Director-General. The General Council Chair’s note and Roberto Azevêdo’s letter are available here. The appointment is made by a consensus decision of the General Council, which consists of all WTO members. Wed 29 Jul 2020 16.37 EDT 05.53 EDT Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, whose chairman is the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, wants an 80% stake in … Reports: 12 April, 26 April. At a meeting of the General Council on 28 February, WTO members agreed by consensus to appoint Roberto Azevêdo as Director-General for a second four-year term,  starting on 1 September 2017. They also spoke to the press. Council Chairman's remarks: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BALI, NAIROBI AND BUENOS AIRES OUTCOMES REPORT BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE. Ambassador Mohammad Qurban HAQJO (Afghanistan) Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries. She would be the first woman and first African to head the trade body. reporting to the Services Council. USTR Lighthizer testified on the Trump Administration's 2020 trade agenda on June 17 at both the House ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Council Chairman's and the chairs of negotiating groups under the Trade Negotiations Azevedo said he was resigning early because there was “ The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the principal forum for setting the rules of international trade. She took office on 1 March 2021, becoming the first woman and the first African to … The director-general of the World Trade Organization is the officer of the World Trade Organization (WTO) responsible for supervising and directing the organization's administrative operations. The third phase began on 19 October and ran until 27 October. > Pascal Lamy’s presentation on 29 April 2009 The exceptions are: the Trade In 2013, there was one developed country candidate who was considered. > Statement by Pascal Lamy She was welcomed to the country by Nasir Sani-Gwarzo, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, and other government officials in Abuja. Post reviews and looks at action at the WTO in 2020 on the topic. On 26 April, he reported on the second round, with two candidates remaining: Mr Herminio Blanco of Mexico and Mr Roberto Carvalho de Azevêdo of Brazil. Audio: Statement by Mario Matus, Chair of the General Council (English interpretation — original in Spanish) The General Council is the WTO’s highest-level decision-making body in Geneva, meeting regularly to carry out the functions of the WTO. Ambassador Chad BLACKMAN (Barbados) Committee on Trade and Development. Walker announced that the meeting would be postponed until further notice, during which time he would continue undertaking consultations with delegations. The third round of consultations will end on the 27th local time. PHOTO: REUTERS Britain's first post-Brexit international trade secretary Liam Fox and Kenya's former WTO general council chair Amina Mohamed threw their … At a Heads of Delegation meeting on 18 September, Amb. At the end of the nomination period, the General Council Chair, Ambassador Harald Neple of Norway, informed WTO members that no further nominations for the position of Director-General had been received by the deadline of 31 December 2016 and that the incumbent Director-General, Roberto Azevêdo, was therefore the only candidate for the role. From 1 April — General Council chair, assisted by chairs of Dispute Settlement Body and Trade Policy Review Body, consults all members on the selection. nominated for the post of Director-General, Procedures WTO DG: Setback For Okonjo-Iweala As US Wants Race Reopened This was revealed on Wednesday as Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, said an … At the end of the nomination period, eight candidates had been nominated by their respective governments. If the 2020 process focuses on developed country candidates, the renomination by New Zealand of the Honorable Tim Groser could lead to an expedited selection of a new Director-General. The World Trade Organization said Nigeria’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and South Korea’s Yoo Myung-hee advanced to the final round in the race to …

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