出發前,在香港就已經聽了數百遍家人和朋友「小心財物」的勸告。還記得我在初到威尼斯的一星期,我在街上總不忘把背包掛在身前、攬緊袋口。每次上班和下班途中經過聖馬可廣場和嘆息橋等遊客景點,腦海都會浮現「騙徒手法層出不窮」的廣告口號,然後幻想每個在我身旁擦過的人都是小偷,回想起來,實在有點反應過敏。不過,當展覽門外的標題「The Infinite Nothing」都可以被偷去的時候,你永遠無法知道自己是否就是下個被盯中的「水魚」…
Archive for tag 'Graffiti'

26 Jul 2015
Venice is an old city where actively protects many historical buildings. It is rich of history and stories behind its architecture. Besides, undoubtedly, Venice is a wonderland full of arts and you will not feel difficult to look for exhibitions. Even the street has already been the exhibition space. You will find many places painted interesting graffiti which seem show a paradox with …